mountainous rainbow

Men's Work Weekend

October 27-29th, 2023

An immersive weekend experience for men doing the work. On the shores of Anderson Lake, BC


Why men's work

Men’s work is about empowering positive Masculinity and supporting men through brotherhood.

Warrior: Activation practices

Cultivate masculine energy by working hard, exploring, moving and expressing your authentic nature in the company and presence of other conscious men.

Sage: Connect to your deeper feelings

Knowing yourself allows you to connect deeper with others and provide leadership informed by empathy and a strong and reliable intuitive understanding.

Alex's Approach

Combining a decade of experience with breathwork, martial practice and Qi Gong, Alex works with these disciplines to activate yang energy. As a former musician and performer, he also creates a safe space for men to connect with their expressive natures and be seen in a shame free environment.

Having experienced tremendous healing through shadow work, circle, counseling, therapy and, of course, men's work, Alex will facilitate circles and shadow work for the group informed by his own experience in unlocking shame, fear and toxic masculine energy (aka nice guy syndrome) to bring about a felt transformation and deepening in trustability for each man ready to take the plunge.

The Importance of Men's Work

For myriad reasons, many men are stuck in the teenager stage of development, a modern affliction wherein the deeply transformative rites of passage of becoming a man never took place.
Doing men's work is an essential step on the journey to becoming an integrated male: connected to purpose, supported by brotherhood and able to show up authentically and give his deepest gift.
Uninitiated male
  • Lacks a strong sense of purpose; inconsistent, erratic or lethargic energy
  • Exhibits needy, avoidant or narcissistic behaviour, often towards the very women he feels attracted to
  • Diffilcuty with, or absence of, emotional and creative expression
  • Disconnected and mistrustful of other men, prefers the company of women
  • Risk averse and operating in a limited or comfortable sphere of influence
  • Gives to get and exhibits nice guy syndrome, or attempts to claim authority through aggression
Integrated positive masculinity
  • A grounded consistent presence connected to a deep sense of purpose
  • Forms secure relationships, communicates his needs and desires, doesn't require validation from others
  • Expresses anger, pleasure and opinions; has outlets for creative expression
  • Supported by and held accountable to a strong brotherhood
  • Takes intelligent risks, serves as a beacon to his community and capable of holding a leadership role
  • Has strong boundaries and feels inherently trustworthy and reliable



Arrival: get settled and share intentions for the days ahead

5-7pm Arrive and setup camp

7pm Dinner

8pm Opening Circle


Warrior: high intensity activation practices

8am Cold water dunk and Qi Gong on the beach

9am Martial practice

11am Breakfast

12pm Paddling & hiking adventure

4pm Down time and meal prep

6pm Dinner and Gratitude Circle

730pm Talent show & skill share


Sage: fast, reflect & ground

8am Cold water dunk and Qi Gong on the beach

9am Breathwork practice

10am Shadow work

12pm Integration time

2pm Sauna and Sound

4pm Circle & Dinner


alex in the alpine

Alex Folk

Breathworker, martial artist, dreamer, practitioner and men's work facilitator.

A long time practitioner of Systema, yoga and Qi Gong, my mission is to share the healing power of men's work in conscious brotherhood to vitalize, awaken and activate the sacred masculine in each and every man.

Connect on Signal


Secure your spot. This container will hold 8 men in total.

Price covers venue rental, sauna use, accomodations and food.

Pricing is sliding scale, choose the amount you're able and willing to invest at this time. If money is not available, a seat can be made available for one who wants to assist with logistics, reach out:


Ballin on a budget

Register for $350


The middle path

Register for $425



Register for $500

Need to pay by another method? Let me know: